edinburgh brand photographer - arthur’s seat photoshoot with scottish coach

Edinburgh brand shoot with Scottish coach Kathryn Ho

I came away on the highest of highs after the wonderful creative coach Kathryn Ho’s branding photoshoot in beautiful Edinburgh!

Being on the highest of highs feels fairly apt, given that part of her brand shoot took place on Arthur’s Seat, a must-visit to anyone wanting a great walk on an Edinburgh visit. Kathryn’s shoot was playful and unique, and I couldn’t be more besotted with the final results. I really think we captured Kathryn’s approach to her coaching work: thoughtful and fun in equal measure.

Scroll on for a look at our shoot plan, and the final shots from our branding portrait session!

kathryn ho’s branding photoshoot plan

arthur’s seat photoshoot, Edinburgh, Scotland

I already loved Kathryn’s previous brand portraits, so I wanted to create portraits that took the elements she loved from them and reflected where she is now in her life and her work!


why are branding shoot plans so important for branding photography?

There are so many reasons!

  • They lead to less thinking on the day. I like to create a plan so that we’re freed up and prepared mentally on the day of a shoot

  • They’re a chance to thumbs up or thumbs down the direction I have in mind for a shoot

  • They help the client to start thinking of any further shots for the shot list of their own

  • They help get excited, especially when a shoot is a wee way away!

Let me know if you’d like a blog post about how I create my brand photoshoot plans, I’d love to help!


There you go lovelies!

I hope you enjoyed this look at Kathryn’s shoot! You can find Kathryn’s website here – she’s a phenomenal coach and I feel so privileged to be part of her business journey.

In the meantime, lots of love and happy Monday,
Anna xxx

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Anna Considine || Studio Gently

Hello hello! I’m Anna, photographer and friend at Studio Gently, and lover of cats and sage green (can you tell?!) When I’m not behind a camera (or a desk), you’ll find me doing terrible doodles on my iPad and secretly singing when no one else is at home…


how to plan a successful brand photoshoot as a client


how to prepare for a branding portrait photoshoot